Home Insider Understanding the First Signs of Gluten Intolerance

Understanding the First Signs of Gluten Intolerance


You might not know this, but gluten intolerance commonly known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity shares some of the same symptoms as celiac disease. It can lead to considerable discomfort, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, and more.

Patients with gluten sensitivity may experience gastrointestinal symptoms or other symptoms, such as joint pain, headache, and fatigue, after consuming gluten. No wonder you should consider going for a gluten sensitivity test if you’re to determine if you have this health complication.

This article will outline some symptoms that people associate with gluten sensitivity. Read on below to uncover more!

Diarrhea and Constipation

Those who report gluten intolerance says IBS-like symptoms, such as constipation and diarrhea are common. In most cases, having digestive issues is expected, but experiencing them on most days can indicate an underlying condition.

Individuals battling with celiac disease may also experience diarrhea and constipation. There is also a good chance they may have poop that smells particularly unpleasant since the condition leads to poor nutrient absorption.


Fatigue is another symptom that individuals may find difficult to identify, as it can have a lot of different causes, many of which are not related to any medical condition. Individuals with gluten sensitivity may have persistent feelings of tiredness that impair daily functioning. No wonder you should consider enlisting medical attention as soon as possible.


Another common symptom that people report in case of gluten sensitivity is bloating. For those who might not know, this is the feeling of a full stomach that is uncomfortable and lasting. Individuals may also feel a buildup of gas.

Certain drinks or food, such as vegetables and fizzy drinks, can leading to bloating. But it can happen for a number of different reasons. In individuals with gluten insensitivity, the feeling of bloating may occur regularly and is not necessarily related to the amount of food they eat.

Keep in mind it is also possible for other symptoms to occur with gluten insensitivity, although they are less common. They include joint pain, depression, brain fog, dermatitis, and anemia, to mention a few.



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